Scientifically Proven Ancient Beliefs. |
I often get told to cheer up and
smile when I'm in a bad mood, but I just sneer and carry on being
grumpy. It turns out I may be in the wrong, as many "words of wisdom"
that we scoff at, are actually proven by science and research. The
following are all everyday beliefs and sayings you probably heard for
your whole life and didn't really mind, well now it's time to take them
Life is all about friends and family.
When you look back on your life, do
you wish you spent more time at work? More time watching TV? More time
having fights and arguments? I'm guessing the answer is no, and it has
indeed been found that the thing most people regret is not spending
enough time with family and friends. So take some time and enjoy the
people closest to you, time spent with loved once can be worth up to
100,000 US dollars a year in terms of life satisfaction.
Always smile.
A study at Michigan State University
found that smiling can alleviate pain and improve your mood. Even if
you're not feeling all too happy just bringing a smile to your face can
change it. Another finding was that smiling improves the attention we
get and helps people perform better on cognitive tasks.
Helping others is healthy for you. |
It turns out that that helping others
really is a good way to help yourself. A recent study found that the
type of happiness that comes from helping others makes the human body
produce more antibodies than other types of happiness. It's also a
guaranteed way to make friends!
Know what you can and can't control.
The Journal of Happiness compared the
life satisfaction of older adults living with assistance and those
living independently. The findings prove that participants who moved
into care were actually happier because they had adapted and accepted
the way some things are. The lesson is simple, don’t mind and don’t
suffer over what you can't control.
Outdoor work is good for you.
When you were little and got told to
go get your hands dirty with some work you were actually given an
important life tip. The smell of dirt you inhale when working outside
can have similar effects to antidepressant drugs. In addition, a
bacteria in the soil known as mycobacterium vaccae stimulates the
release of extra serotonin, countering the effects of depression.
Nature makes you happy.
Not only is the great out-doors a
wonderful and beautiful place, but it's also proven that you’re happiest
outside, rather than inside. A research at Oska University has found
that temperature, humidity and wind speed are all things that can change
how happy we are. Support will help you flourish. |
There is strength in numbers that no
one can deny, and the support of a community can help you with many many
things. You can find a partner for exercise, support for obesity
problems and have a 50% increased likelihood of a happier life, if you
have strong social relationships. Tai chi is good for your health. |
you might think it's just a myth, is was found that T’ai Chi, and other
martial arts, can have amazing health benefits. Studies have found that
T’ai Chi helps to prevent and treat many age-related health problems
like arthritis, low bone density and heart disease.
Meditation really is relaxing.
found that the ancient technique of meditation can rewires the brain.
After only eight weeks the parts of the brain associated compassion and
self-awareness grew, while parts associated with stress shrank.
Compassion is key to a happy and meaningful life. |
is a Buddhist tradition called "Metta", which means “loving-kindness.
It's expressed by showing compassion towards yourself, the ones you love
and all sentient beings. Studies show that those who practice “Metta"”
are happier and have a deeper sense of mindfulness.
"Thanks" really is a magical word. |
only is it polite to be thankful to each other but now, scientists think
saying thanks can also help you live longer. Expressing gratitude can
increase your happiness and life satisfaction as well as decrease
symptoms of depression. It's hard to feel down when you keep reminding
yourself about the wonderful things you have around you.
"All you need is love". |
In a massive study that took place
over a period of 75 years, Harvard researchers followed the lives of 268
men to try and discover what made their life worth living. The most
meaningful finding was that a happy life revolves around finding and
keeping love, any love. It can be love for you family, friends, pets,
life partners and even that loud neighbor who makes noise at 11PM. Just
love as you live, and you'll have a good happy life.
mardi 19 août 2014
Scientifically Proven Ancient Beliefs.
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