lundi 31 août 2015
9 Home Remedies That Treat Hypertension
9 Home Remedies That Treat Hypertension
If you're above the age of 35, chances are good you may have already been warned about the dangers of hypertension or high blood pressure. Hypertension is a condition that occurs when the force of the blood on the arteries' walls is strong, which eventually creates health problems, especially those connected to heart disease.
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13 Effective Remedies Against Arthritis
13 Effective Remedies Against Arthritis
Arthritis is a type of joint disorder that involves inflammation of a single or several joints. The disease plagues approximately 350 million people worldwide, with osteoarthritis being the most common type. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States, with over 20 million people affected by it.
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6 Health Benefits of Drinking Beer
6 Health Benefits of Drinking Beer
There is little that compares to the hopsy, rich and refreshing taste of a cold beer. The world's third most popular beverage has been around for centuries, but has gotten a bad rep as being fattening and high in calories, and as a result is increasingly avoided at the bar. Yet new studies reveal the surprising health benefits in beer that could make it once again your beverage of choice, in moderation of course.
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Simple Weight Loss Tips You’ve Never Heard Before
Simple Weight Loss Tips You’ve Never Heard Before
Healthy habits are hard to maintain in today's busy, fast-paced world of easy fixes, where losing weight is harder than ever. But not all healthy habits are grand and life changing - you'll be surprised to hear what a huge impact small changes in your lifestyle can have on your weight. I'm sure you've never heard at least half of these tips, but each and every one of them will have a small and meaningful effect on your weight loss.
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dimanche 30 août 2015
Countries with the Best Weather
Countries with the Best Weather
Travelling can be ruined by unexpected weather, spoiling all the fun you intended to have. These diverse locations cover the many different kinds of climates and are known for their consistently perfect weather. Each one is breathtaking, filled with activities that offer something everyone something to match their taste and budget. I don't know about you, but I just got some great new travelling ideas.
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The Rarest Flowers in the World
The Rarest Flowers in the World
Flowers are one of nature's greatest gifts to the world, with different varieties displaying a huge range of colors, shapes and scents for us all to enjoy. But there are some extraordinary flowers that are much more rarely found than others, and can only be enjoyed in very select spots around the world. Indeed, some of the flowers in this list only exist in a couple of examples anywhere in the world, making them extra special! Here is a beautiful collection of the rarest and most endangered flowers on Earth.
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From Grime to Tarnish, these Natural Cleaning Solutions Actually Work
From Grime to Tarnish, these Natural Cleaning Solutions Actually Work
Common household items like salt and baking soda could be used to tackle countless chores around the home, in fact, you wouldn't believe just how much you could get done around the house with these cheap and widely available items.
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Learn How to Make Anysite Printer Frindly.
Learn How to Make Anysite Printer Friendly.
Have you ever tried printing an article on the internet, only to find yourself printing an absurd number of pages full of pictures, ads and useless information? is a simple, free and amazingly helpful little site that will help you deal with this problem. With it, you can print nearly any web page you want or print the parts of it you want to see. You will save paper, save ink, save money, help the environment and still print all the information you need!
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A Collection of Promises We Should Say to Ourselves
A Collection of Promises We Should Say to Ourselves
We are always striving to improve as a person. Whether it's in the way we act, the way we control our emotions, or what we choose to say; there is always room for positive change. We improve by identifying our mistakes and wrong turns, and making promises to ourselves accordingly so that these are not repeated. Without doing this, we can't mature, grow and move on in life. In order to avoid self-disappointment, make it a habit to remind yourself of some promises we all need to make to ourselves to ensure we are living the best life we can.
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Strange and Unusual Photos
Strange and Unusual Photos
There are a lot of incredible things in the world and photography brings them closer to us. There are natural wonders, scientific innovations, beautiful pieces of art sourced from vivid imaginations and strange quirks that make life oh-so interesting. This photo collection brings together some rare and unusual sights that you probably haven't seen before!
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10 Positive Bedtime Rituals
10 Positive Bedtime Rituals
Sleep, along with food, is vital for energy and alertness. But there are also some activities you can undertake that can help you feel fully refreshed after you wake up. Indeed, bedtime rituals have proven to be an important factor for happiness, and special practices that are relaxing and pleasant can make a real difference to how you feel in the morning. Here are 10 things that happy people do before hitting the hay, and which you can also try. You don’t have to do all 10, just pick the rituals that are likely to work best for you!
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samedi 29 août 2015
Remarkable 3D Sidewalk Paintings by a Russian Artist
Remarkable 3D Sidewalk Paintings by a Russian Artist
Walk along a sidewalk and you may soon encounter an unexpected bottomless pit, a wild lion on the loose or a pool of whales. But why and how is this possible? The Russian artist and art teacher Nikolaj Arndt will have you asking this question as he showcases his remarkable 3D art on streets across Europe. When Nikolaj was in Germany in 2006, he drew inspiration from street art festivals and was determined to participate - finally achieving his goal 3 years later. He states that the main purpose of his art is "to give positive emotions to the audience", and for him it's most rewarding when he sees people smiling while looking at his art works. How can you not smile in admiration when you come across such brilliance?
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These 25 Tips Will Help You Live MUCH, MUCH longer
These 25 Tips Will Help You Live MUCH, MUCH longer
Having a long life doesn’t always go hand in hand with a happy one, as many people fear that their final years will be difficult and unpleasant. The truth of the matter is that there is nothing holding you back from living a long, as well as a happy life. In fact, there are numerous studies, tips, advice, and people with undeniable experiences who can help you get to that goal. You don’t have to take all of these at face value, but adopting a few of these suggestions can result in an improved lifestyle that’ll allow you to live longer and be happier.
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The Health Benefits of Eating Avocados
The Health Benefits of Eating Avocados
Smooth, creamy and flavorsome, avocados provide a unique and versatile addition to numerous dishes and snacks around the world. They can liven up a salad or soup, are the main ingredient in much-loved guacamole, and provide a fantastic dressing for any sandwich. But the avocado's unique taste and interesting texture are not the only features that ensure they stand out from other fruits. They also have an unusual nutritional make up which provide some incredible health benefits that will make you want to add them to your regular diet.
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6 Teas that Will Keep You Slim & Healthy
6 Teas that Will Keep You Slim & Healthy
A good cup of tea can help calm your nerves, warm you up or cool you down, and even give you a boost of energy, but there is so much more to tea than you think. Tea appears in Chinese writings dating back to the 10th century BCE, when it was mainly used as a form of medication. Nowadays we know that drinking tea can also help stop fat from attaching to cells inside your body, and thus prevent obesity. Here are 6 types of teas and infusions that will help you keep that belly at bay.Click below the link to view the contents:
vendredi 28 août 2015
Healthy Eating Made Easy
Healthy Eating Made Easy
Whether you love cooking or want to make food healthier and more nutritious, you first need to know what is beneficial and what isn’t when it comes to food preparation. This infographic makes healthy cooking clear and simple, saving you time, money and your well-being.
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Foods that are Natural Painkillers
Foods that are Natural Painkillers
People take a lot of pills today. And sometimes that's ok. But using too many painkillers can really cause your body damage. So, if your pain is small to moderate, nature has provided us with quite a number of natural painkillers. These 19 foods are natural cures and can be used to alleviate many types of pain.
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The Truth About Hugs
The Truth About Hugs
Whenever someone feels bad or is crying, we offer to hug them, but you don’t need a special excuse to give someone a hug. After all, when we hug someone, we get a hug back, so why pass on such a wonderful opportunity? A hug is the best thing one person can do for another, so here are some things you should know about hugging.
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18 Surprising Uses for Sandpaper
18 Surprising Uses for Sandpaper
Sandpaper is a toolbox favorite for good reason. It is cheap and simple, yet incredibly useful in pretty much any DIY project involving wood or metal. As is so often the case, however, the simplest objects have the widest range of uses and sandpaper proves it - by providing a simple solution to a number of everyday problems around the home and garden. Some of these are fantastic, and I can't believe I haven't been using them before!
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14 Excellent Uses for Tea Tree Oil
14 Excellent Uses for Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil comes in a pint-sized bottle, but it’s much more powerful than its diminutive size lets on. This essential oil is extracted from an Australian plant and is a natural antiseptic, reduces infections and treats many ailments. It also works wonders with cleaning and sterilizing items around the house. Today you'll learn at least 14 different ways you can use this cure-all essential oil.
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Home Remedies for Treating Varicose Veins
Home Remedies for Treating Varicose Veins
According to a number of studies, about 25 percent of all women and 10 percent of men are affected by varicose veins. Varicose veins are dilated and 'puffed up' veins that are usually in the legs that can be painful and have an unpleasant appearance. But don't stop reading here, because there are a number of at-home remedies for treating varicose veins that could help you, or someone you know with the condition, avoid expensive and painful surgical procedures.
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How Nature is a Reflection of God
How Nature is a Reflection of God
"To enjoy nature, is to enjoy God, they are one in the same."
I am always drawn to this
quote, because it pretty much sums up what creation is all about.
Personally, I love nothing more than being amid nature, walking on the
grass with my bare feet, while breathing in the fresh air and the
fragrant smell of the flowers and trees... In moments like these, I
cannot help but feel that I am walking hand in hand with God. Feeling
inspired by nature and its creator, I've prepared this presentation for
you to enjoy.Click below the link to view the contents:
How to Make a Natural Decongestant
How to Make a Natural Decongestant
When you’re sick with a cold, flu or sinusitis, you will often find yourself full of phlegm and suffering with a stuffy nose. But these seemingly unpleasant symptoms are actually helping you fight the illness, because your body produces more mucus to increase your levels of antiseptic enzymes and antibodies. The gushing nose also helps flush out germs, while simultaneously making it difficult for other bacteria to enter. But when this happens, your nasal passages are likely to become inflamed and your chest will usually feel congested.
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jeudi 27 août 2015
Enchanting American Romantic Paintings
Enchanting American Romantic Paintings
Daniel F. Gerhartz is a contemporary American painter from Kewaskum, Wisconsin. Inspired by American impressionists he paints a lavish and timeless world. This prolific artist’s talent with the paint brush creates evocative and emotional scenes, which are utterly gorgeous. His favored subjects include the female figure, pastoral settings, and lush interiors. Pull up a chair and be taken on a journey to a carefree and stunning world.
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What Your Body Does in a Day
What Your Body Does in a Day
Sometimes you may feel like your body is beginning to creak and fail you on the outside, but do you ever stop to consider the incredible work that is taking place inside of it? There is so much going on and everything fits together so well, that it's almost impossible to comprehend it. This presentation will remind you that there are miracles going on inside your body every single day.
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Forget Cable TV! Meet the Alternatives
Forget Cable TV! Meet the Alternatives
When TV started becoming popular, it was transmitted via radio waves and the quality wasn’t great. Later came cable and satellite TV, offering better quality, more channels and even smart features like checking a channels scheduled programs. Now, it’s the turn for the next revolution:
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Guide: Google Calendar has Effortlessly Shaped the Way I Plan my Day
Guide: Google Calendar has Effortlessly Shaped the Way I Plan my Day
Google Calendar has become the compass to my day. It effortlessly helps me know what I have to do, sends me reminders so that I will never forget a meeting or an appointment - and it does so to my choosing, via email or a notification. I find it extremely convenient because no matter what device I am using, my calendar is there, notifying me of my day-to-day plans on the go, be it from my desktop, my iPad or my mobile. It has really made life so much easier for me, and in this article, I'd like to share the benefits and functions of Google Calendar with you!
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Guide: Google Calendar has Effortlessly Shaped the Way I Plan my Day
Guide: Google Calendar has Effortlessly Shaped the Way I Plan my Day
Google Calendar has become the compass to my day. It effortlessly helps me know what I have to do, sends me reminders so that I will never forget a meeting or an appointment - and it does so to my choosing, via email or a notification. I find it extremely convenient because no matter what device I am using, my calendar is there, notifying me of my day-to-day plans on the go, be it from my desktop, my iPad or my mobile. It has really made life so much easier for me, and in this article, I'd like to share the benefits and functions of Google Calendar with you!
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Ways to Remove Rust at Home
Ways to Remove Rust at Home
Unless you want your belongings to have an 'antique' appearance, then rust is an annoyance we can all live without. Unfortunately, it is inevitable that most of our metal objects including tools, kitchen utensils and decorative garden objects will fall foul of this common problem over time, costing us money and causing us irritation. But fear not, there are a number of home remedies you can use to banish rust from your precious items, and they are all cheap, easy and toxin-free.
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An Easy Guide to Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Energy Bills
An Easy Guide to Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Energy Bills
With electricity and water bills on the rise, and the Earth's environment on the descent, I took a look around my home and realized that some changes had to be made. I started off small, seeing what minimal changes I could do to help conserve water and energy. In doing so, I realized that little adjustments would help make a world of a difference. For example, in using extension leads, I was able to reduce my energy consumption by 15%.
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There Are 5 Simple Rules to Life...
There Are 5 Simple Rules to Life...
A beautiful presentation about the things that really matter in this life, and how to get the most out of it and still enjoy the experience.
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Live Every Day Like It's the Best Day of Your Life
Live Every Day Like It's the Best Day of Your Life
Let us stop complaining. Let us stop wasting our time being idealists. Let us realize that this day was granted to us as part of the marvel of life and that living a day in the life we have is an honor. Let us remember that like any other gift, we should be grateful for it. It's all we have, so let's take each morning as an opportunity to be genuinely thankful for our day - there's endless reasons to do so.
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mercredi 26 août 2015
Spectacular Carnivorous Plants in Action
Spectacular Carnivorous Plants in Action
Plants come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and apparently, even diets. The thought of having flesh-eating plants might sound absurd or myth-like, but the diversity of nature is so vast it's not so hard to believe that it also comprises a wonder of this sort. The fascinating study of carnivorous plants was first tackled by the famous Charles Darwin, who had written a book about them in 1875, titled "Insectivorous Plants". As the title suggests, these plants are more 'insectivorous' rather than flesh-eating, but carnivorous none the less. They grow in soil that normally lacks nutrients, but they make up for this by feeding on insects and arthropods, including flies, spiders, bees, slugs, and sometimes even larger animals like frogs and mice.
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The World's Most Overloaded Vehicles
The World's Most Overloaded Vehicles
If you have ever tried to cram loads of purchases into a small car after a trip to the hardware store, or struggled to find a seat on a crowded bus or train, then you will know it can be a pleasant experience to ride in an overloaded vehicle. However, spare a thought for the drivers and passengers of these vehicles, who show that people will go to crazy lengths to transport all sorts of items using a single bike or truck. Here are 15 of the most overloaded vehicles you will ever see!
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12 Reasons not to Throw Away Lemon Peels
12 Reasons not to Throw Away Lemon Peels
Lemons have a lot to offer: They’re delicious, refreshing and have an aroma that can upgrade many dishes. Adding a bit of fresh lemon juice to a cup of water in the morning can do wonders for our level of alertness for the rest of the day. But what about those lemon peels? If you like to add lemon to your diet on a regular basis, you probably throw the peels in the trash. Did you know, however, that the peels are incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers that can increase your food’s nutritional value, aid you in cleaning your home, and even be used to maintain your skin’s health? The following recipes will show you how you can add lemon peel to your day-to-day life with ease.
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How to Tell If You Have a Magnesium Deficiency
How to Tell If You Have a Magnesium Deficiency
Magnesium is one of those vital vitamins your body needs to work properly. Without it your body cannot effectively regulate cholesterol levels or break down fat. Magnesium also controls the production of antioxidants, proteins and enzymes. Magnesium is also responsible for creating and repairing DNA and RNA strains. Usually you get it from foods and beverages you consume, but increasingly people are suffering from deficiencies of it – four out of five Americans are said to have a deficiency. The good news is that your body lets you know when it’s lacking in minerals. Here are the 8 outward warning signs that you might have a deficiency.
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The Healing Powers of Plantain Leaves
The Healing Powers of Plantain Leaves
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Mirror Art - A Reflection on the World
Mirror Art - A Reflection on the World
The term “reflection” may refer to the act of reflecting, as in casting back a light or heat, mirroring, giving back or showing an image. Yet sometimes, looking at a reflection can show us a whole new angle to the world. These 16 pieces of art from around the world were created with mirrors, to show us the magnificence of light as it bounces back and meets our eyes. Take a deep breath and enjoy the magic of these artworks, as they take you to an imaginary, colorful universe.
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7 Math Tips You Wish they Taught in School
7 Math Tips You Wish they Taught in School
It’s been a while since we attended school and age hasn’t been kind to our memory either. As time passes, most of us lose most of our mathematical abilities leading us to rely more and more on calculators. If you want to improve your math skills and even be able to help your kids, learn how to use these quick and easy methods.
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15 Warning Signs from Your Fingernails
15 Warning Signs from Your Fingernails
Your body communicates when something is wrong. The color and state of your fingernails can let you know when something is going awry inside your body. Sometimes they can be minor vitamin deficiencies and other times more serious conditions. These changes can be subtle, or blatant and it’s worth noting any differences because many diseases are reflected on your fingertips. As always these are warning signs and it’s important not to rely solely on your nails for a health check. Consult with a medical professional who can consider other symptoms and run blood tests.
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Wacky Cake: No Eggs, Butter or Milk
Wacky Cake: No Eggs, Butter or Milk
This delicious chocolate cake requires no eggs, milk, butter, nor mixing bowls. You might be wondering how this can taste like cake, and like you, I had doubts until I tried it. It’s so easy to whip up. You don’t even have much washing up to do because no mixing bowls are used.
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30 Stunning Night Skies
30 Stunning Night Skies
There is nothing quite as magical and breathtaking as watching the stars illuminate the beautiful clear skies at night. Wait until you see these 30 star-filled skies from various locations around the world, you're guaranteed to be feeling starstruck after!
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What You Need to Know About Glaucoma
What You Need to Know About Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a medical
condition of the eye where the optic nerve becomes damaged, and worsens
over time. The buildup of pressure inside the eye, known as intraocular
pressure, is the eye's inability to drain out the aqueous humor fluid
properly. The optic nerve damage can lead to loss of vision and
permanent blindness within a couple of years if left untreated.
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mardi 25 août 2015
Everything You Need to Know on Growing Vegetables.
Everything You Need to Know on Growing Vegetables.
The best thing about having a garden is that you can grow things all by yourself, and then enjoy them with your family and friends. However, not all of us have "green thumbs" and not everything we plant always grows. Well say good-bye to those days. With this excellent fact sheet you will know exactly what to plant, where to plant it and how to take care of it. Your garden will become a vegetable haven in no time!
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9 Ways Neem Tree Oil Repairs Your Skin and Hair
9 Ways Neem Tree Oil Repairs Your Skin and Hair
Neem tree oil is commonly harvested from the neem tree (sometimes called an Indian lilac or by its technical name Azadirachta indica), found growing in India and other tropical regions. It is dark colored and smells like a fusion between garlic and peanuts. This healing tree oil is an important part of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medicine practice. As a natural ingredient, it is also anti-bacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal. It can treat many skin and hair problems.
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The Positive Impact that Nature Has on the Brain is Astounding
The Positive Impact that Nature Has on the Brain is Astounding
There's something about being in nature, it has the magical ability to comfort you, especially in times when you need it most. It has the ability to put your thoughts back into perspective and bring about an overwhelming feeling of peace. Have you ever tried it? Go out on a walk, basking yourself amid trees, grass and all that nature has to offer, in your lowest of moods, or on your most stressful of days. Personally, I have found that stepping outside, breathing in the natural air on my off days, helps bring me back to my center and regain my focus. But it's not just my take on things. research too, consistently finds that nature has a profound impact on the brain.
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10 Home Remedies For Fungal Infections
10 Home Remedies For Fungal Infections
Skin fungus is a common infection that is caused when certain fungal pathogens breed in moist or warm environments. Fungus usually grows in shoes, socks, public areas like swimming pools or gyms, and in showers. The microscopic fungus lives on toenails, hair and skin and the most common symptoms are usually peeling, itchiness or burning skin. If you suffer from some of these symptoms, there are a number of home remedies that can easily treat fungal infections.Click below the link to view the contents:
15 Surprising Uses for Cucumbers
15 Surprising Uses for Cucumbers
Cucumbers are a delicious and nutritious addition to any salad or sandwich, and can even make for a tasty snack on their own. We should all try and include them in our weekly diet so we benefit from the wide range of vitamins and minerals they provide. But the brilliance of cucumber does not end there, and we bet you don't realize just how versatile they can be...until now. This common vegetable really is far more useful than you could ever imagine and can be used for a wide range of tasks to help you maintain body, home, garden and even clothes. Here's everything you need to know to employ cucumbers outside of a salad:
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What is “Malware” & How to Stop it
What is “Malware” & How to Stop it
The term “Malware” is an amalgamation of ‘Malicious’ and ‘Software’. It usually refers to software that infects your computer similarly to a virus, but often disguises itself as seemingly innocent add-ons like browser tool bars, fake anti virus programs that demand money, and other unpleasant interruptions.
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15 Easy Party Snacks & Decadent Delights
15 Easy Party Snacks & Decadent Delights
Whether you like to host, hate to cook, or just want to spoil yourself, making snacks can be a bit of a hassle. Here are the 15 best easy to make snacks I’ve found. All tested and proven delicious. Let us know in the comments if you have your own easy snack ideas.
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The Island of Emotions
The Island of Emotions
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love.
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Balance Your Emotions and Revitalize Your Energy in Two Breaths
Balance Your Emotions and Revitalize Your Energy in Two Breaths
There are times when some of the best remedies can be found in techniques used in the ancient past, and this two-breath finger technique is one of them. Referred to as the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, this technique enables you to harmonize your emotions and nourish your body by holding each of your fingers in sequence. It's a subtle, yet powerful self-help approach that you can practice at any time, no matter where you are.
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lundi 24 août 2015
Humorous Responses to Limb Loss
Humorous Responses to Limb Loss
These amputees are clearly not letting the trauma and tragedy of limb loss get them down! They found exceptionally creative ways to make light of their situation and provide an inspirational lesson to us all...sometimes all we can do is laugh, no matter what life throws at us!
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This is How Thinking Negatively Will Affect Your Body
This is How Thinking Negatively Will Affect Your Body
The 'Placebo Effect': you've probably heard about this mysterious term before. The body's ability to get better through nothing but sugar pills, saline injections or fake surgeries. And whilst according to clinical trials, most bodies do get better (18 to 80% of the time), there is a darker side to the seemingly mysterious placebo effect. In comparison, few people know about its evil twin, the 'Nocebo Effect', which holds the belief that negative emotions can potentially harm the body. But how exactly does it work?
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The Whisky Drinker's Guide
The Whisky Drinker's Guide
Whisky remains an ever-popular spirit enjoyed around the world. But choosing a favourite and deciding how best to enjoy it can be difficult because there's so much choice and opinion out there. We have put together this guide to help you enjoy this wonderful beverage even more - whether you're a seasoned whisky drinker or someone who likes the odd tipple here and there. Of course, our first piece of advice is to make sure you always enjoy alcohol in moderation only. Beyond that though, here are ten tips for whisky drinkers...
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dimanche 23 août 2015
When Peanuts Become Art
When Peanuts Become Art
Steve Casino takes an ordinary household food: peanuts, and transforms it into modern miniature sculptures. Over the last 3 years, he has made 223 pieces of peanut art. He first began his hobby by painting peanut as humans and then began exploring other subjects, such as super heroes, monsters and animals.
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Use Spray Paint to Improve Your Home
Use Spray Paint to Improve Your Home
When we hear the words “spray paint”, the first association is often vandals painting graffiti on public property, but spray paint is so much more than just a way to paint walls. The huge selection of colors and specialized kinds of spray offer us incredible opportunities for home improvements that would otherwise cost us a pretty penny. Here are 18 ideas that will make your next home improvements easy and cheap.
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15 Self Defence Tips for a Woman Alone
15 Self Defence Tips for a Woman Alone
Most men will never understand what it is like being a woman alone on the street. Where men walk with confidence, certain they can deal with most physical threats, a woman doesn't have that sense of confidence. Many women are scared every day, because they know that if a man decides to attack them, they won't stand a chance against his enhanced strength.
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10 Feldenkrais Exercises You Should Know
10 Feldenkrais Exercises You Should Know
In recent years, the Feldenkrais Method has gained popularity around the world thanks to one main advantage: the exercises help relieve pain and strengthen muscles and joints with minimal effort. The method, named after the inventor – Physicist Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, can help treat almost any muscular pain and was proven to be effective in treating handicapped individuals that cannot perform regular exercises. The following ten exercises are very easy and can help relieve an assortment of pain, without the need for special equipment.
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The A to Z of Vitamin Deficiencies
The A to Z of Vitamin Deficiencies
Because many people eat unhealthy and processed foods, many essential vitamins might be skipped in a daily diet, leaving your body not functioning as it should. The human body shows us when something is not quite right. This article will help you understand the symptoms of vitamin deficiencies, helping you prevent damage and disorders from rearing their ugly heads.
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Herbs & Spices that Lower Blood Pressure
Herbs & Spices that Lower Blood Pressure
Taking care of our health can be hard work at times, even if it’s just taking prescription medication since they can come with some very unpleasant side effects. If you’re suffering from high blood pressure, you’ll be happy to learn that regular consumption of certain spices can lower your blood pressure without pesky side effects (other than deliciousness!). You’re going to want to add these spices to your daily meals to enjoy their fantastic properties.
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Unusual Beaches From Around the World
Unusual Beaches From Around the World
If you close your eyes and picture a perfect beach, you are likely to envisage an unspoiled arc of golden sand, glistening, clear blue waters and palm trees swaying gently in the breeze. That is the classic view of paradise as we all know it, but some beaches are blessed with a less conventional beauty. This group of photos gathers together some of the most unique, quirky and unusual seaside destinations in the world. If you are a beach lover who is looking for something different, then you will want to add these stunning places to your bucket list!
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Have You Uploaded WhatsApp Web Yet?
Have You Uploaded WhatsApp Web Yet?
If you are an avid user of Whatsapp on your phone, you are going to love that this app is now available on your desktop too, and we are going to show you how to use it with this easy to follow guide.
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17 Things to Never Do in the Kitchen
17 Things to Never Do in the Kitchen
The kitchen is usually a wonderful place, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, it's easy to make mistakes that could turn it into a hazardous environment. There are hot surfaces to burn you, sharp objects that can cut you, and if you don’t pay attention, your food will burn to a crisp, and may even start a fire. This is why I’ve gathered together this advice from expert chefs and home cooks, who learned from their mistakes and hope you won’t repeat them.
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This Week in Health Tips! 23/08/2015
This Week in Health Tips!
Two factors hold the key to good health. Firstly, you need to ensure you have the right information available to you, and secondly, you need to adopt good practices that are of beneficial value. There is a wealth of information out there but there is no need to be overwhelemed. We have collected together a series of beautiful infographics that explain some complex issues in simple terms. This week’s gems include home remedies to normalise your blood pressure, the benefits of drinking red bush 'rooibos' tea and a list of foods that are good for your heart.
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15 Creative Ideas for Making Home made Gifts
15 Creative Ideas for Making Home made Gifts
If you are on a budget, giving a meaningful gift can be an expensive burden. Home made gifts are made from the heart, but sometimes it can be challenging to think of what to make. These craft ideas don’t require a lot of skill and can allow you to give an extremely personal gift and still make your budget. Better yet, all of these gift ideas will set you back no more than $10.(estimation).
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9 Documentaries about the Universe
9 Documentaries about the Universe
Our universe is a vast, incredible thing. Most people would think that they have some degree of understanding of how it works, but the more we learn about it – the more we realize that much of it is beyond the average person’s comprehension. Luckily, some people have created some truly fantastic documentaries and videos that can teach even the most non-scientific person out there a lot about the universe. Here are nine such incredible videos, but be warned – you may end up even more curious after watching them!
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Scientists Have Found A Way to Make Rice Less Fatty
Scientists Have Found A Way to Make Rice Less Fatty
Rice is a popular dish enjoyed around the world. It pairs well with many food flavors and textures, making it a common side dish in many cultures’ cuisines. It is eaten in large quantities in India and China, where it is an inexpensive staple. However, the downside to this delicious food is that it’s not the healthiest choice – it’s high in carbohydrates, as much as 200 calories per cup, and it quickly converts to sugar and body fat. It’s not only bad for your weight but also your health. Rice consumption has been linked to higher incidences of diabetes.
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How Often You Should Change Common Items
How Often You Should Change Common Items
We don't usually give a second thought as to how long we've had a household item - particularly if it is something like a pillow, or a mattress. But while they may look clean on the surface, these seemingly innocent household items can actually harbor potentially harmful bacteria when used for too long. We've examined 10 household items, and when you should actually throw them out!
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Stretches That Help Maintain the Hips
Stretches That Help Maintain the Hips
As we get older, many of us experience pain and stiffness in our hips. This is not surprising, given that the hips are one of the most hard working joints in the body and many common, daily activities take their toll upon them. Sitting in the same position for prolonged periods, twisting, turning and walking all have an impact over the years and if your hips begin to suffer, it can also cause a pain 'chain reaction' which can affect your knees, back and thigh muscles. Luckily, there are a number of simple, everyday stretches that can help you maintain supple, pain-free hips.
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8 Gifts Everybody Deserves to Receive
8 Gifts Everybody Deserves to Receive
Everybody loves receiving gifts - For their birthday, for Christmas or randomly. There's nothing more thrilling, but deep down the real treasured gifts are intangible. These gifts are priceless and everybody deserves receiving them at some point in their lives.
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4 Natural Solutions to Toxin-Ridden Products
4 Natural Solutions to Toxin-Ridden Products
As awareness about the possible dangers of chemical products grows, so does our ability to find creative natural substitutes. Here is a list of natural cleaning, beauty and health solutions so good that only nature can provide them.
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samedi 22 août 2015
Spectacular Sculpture Creations
Spectacular Sculpture Creations
James Doran Webb is a talented sculpturist who creates animal art entirely out of driftwood. Depending on the complexities of the armature and anatomy, a life size sculpture takes some 1,000 to 3,000 hours to complete. James is also environmentally conscious in the work he does. For every kilo of driftwood used, he plants a seedling on denuded hills in North and South Cebu. He started a program called 80,000 trees ( which aims to plant 80,000 trees over the course of five years.
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13 Genius Food Hacks
13 Genius Food Hacks
The phrase there's nothing new under the sun doesn't apply to cooking. The internet is brimming with recipes, each more delicious and diverse than the next. Amongst the many cooks there are some innovative thinkers who have taken the time to show us how we can save time in the kitchen and create delicious food easily.
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The Greatest Divas of the 20th Century
The Greatest Divas of the 20th Century
The 20th Century was a golden age for music, with incredible artists we all know, like Louis Armstrong, BB King, Elvis Presley, etc. but in this collection, we bring you the greatest divas of the 1900’s, in some of their best songs.
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What Kind of Animal Are You?
What Kind of Animal Are You?
MBTI is a 4 dimensional personality assessment. Each dimension has 2 possibilities, so that this method categorizes according to 16 types of personality. Each type of personality is described by 4 letters.
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How to Grow Back Vegetables from Leftovers
How to Grow Back Vegetables from Leftovers
I have recently discovered that many of the leftover veggies we throw away after cooking can be used to regrow pesticide free and healthy plants, right in the backyard.
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Strange but true - These unusual cures work
Strange but true - These unusual cures work
If your medicine cabinet is looking a little sparse or you’ve run out effective ideas to treat some lingering ailments, consider looking in other areas of your home. Many seemingly non-medical items can successfully treat common aches and pains. Some of these unusual tips might sound mad when you first hear them, but they really do work once you try them.
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10 Websites to Help You Learn & Improve
10 Websites to Help You Learn & Improve
Our thirst for learning never really leaves us and it's always great to pick up a new skill or some fresh knowledge. The advent of the Internet has opened up a world of possibility for keen learners to soak up information, but there's so much of it out there and it can be difficult to focus on one particular area. That's why we have collected together a list of some of the best websites that can teach you a new skill...entirely for free. Simply click on the links or pictures to be taken directly to the sites where you can find out more. Now there is really no excuse not to get your learning cap on and see if you can pick up a new hobby, no matter how old you are!
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Recognizing the 4 Major Types of Cancer
Recognizing the 4 Major Types of Cancer
The cells in our body grow, multiply, and die naturally. Each cell holds a copy of your DNA; the genetic blueprints that instruct them how, what, and where to grow, as well as how to replicate themselves. When the genetic data in a cell is damaged, the cell can start replicating uncontrollably, forming a growth. We know that growths can become cancerous, but what is a growth and how does it relate to cancer? This article will tell you what happens in your body when you develop the four basic cancer types, which encompass the most well-known types of cancer.
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Ten Foods That Boost Your Immune System
Ten Foods That Boost Your Immune System
The immune system is one of the most incredible features of the human body and it is important we do everything we can to look after it. It protects us from millions of microbes and bacteria which would otherwise invade our body and destroy it from the inside. It also heals cuts, expels infections and helps us process food by eliminating the bad bacteria that the body doesn't need. We don't have to do anything special to eliminate these harmful elements, because the immune system works around the clock to do it for us.
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vendredi 21 août 2015
Photos Celebrating the Beauty of Our Sun
Photos Celebrating the Beauty of Our Sun
While they like to equate the earth to a mother, it is the sun that makes all life on earth possible, giving us the energy, the light that makes us grow and allows all life on earth to exist. So here are some stunning photos of that huge ball of flame, 8 light minutes away...
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Poses & Actions that'll Improve Your Daily Life
Poses & Actions that'll Improve Your Daily Life
Most of us think that our body language is only a representation of our internal world, but surprisingly, it is a two-way street. Psychological studies claim that certain physical positions help us boost our confidence, improve our cognitive functions, and even make us happy. The best part of knowing this is that all that it requires from you is to simply assume these poses. Here are the 9 poses and actions that will improve your emotional wellbeing and your daily productivity.
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6 Habits to Get You Out Of A Slump
6 Habits to Get You Out Of A Slump
I'm in a slump, feeling stuck in the lowest of moods, afraid that I've got nothing more to offer, waiting for this period of unhappiness to subside. I remind myself to be patient, to keep in mind what past experiences have taught me. Despite this dwindling feeling I currently cannot shake off, I tell myself that that I will be on the upswing soon. Once I wrap my head around this ray of hope, and with a little soul searching, I dig deep into the issues that are contributing to my current state of unhappiness and the things that I could do to overcome it.
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Homemade Foot Soak from Milk & Baking Soda
Homemade Foot Soak from Milk & Baking Soda
There aren't many of us who would claim that the feet are amongst the most attractive features of the human body. But when summer is here and the sun is shining, we all want to get our sandals or flip flops on, which means we have to show our feet to the world - along with all the rough skin, calluses, blisters and blemishes that they carry with them. Sometimes they just need a good pampering, and fortunately there's a great foot soak you can make at home that will give your feet the perfect boost.
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Beautiful Mississippi Captured with a Phone
Beautiful Mississippi Captured with a Phone
Melissa Vincent wants to show
you a different side of Mississippi and take you on a visual trip of her
gorgeous surroundings. This stay-at-home mom has a passion for
photography and has developed a strong following on Instagram because of
her dynamic images. What’s more amazing is that Melissa is not a
professional photographer: She creates her exquisite work using her
iPhone, with the help of photo manipulation apps like Retouch and Snapsneed.
Click below the link to view the contents: A Butterfly Story...
A Butterfly Story...
This sad and beautiful story illustrates one of the most salient lessons we learn throughout our lives. It's easy to imagine life as simple - good or bad. But sometimes we need a bit of both to make us who we are.
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7 Sea Creatures With Unbelievable Abilities
7 Sea Creatures With Unbelievable Abilities
You've probably heard about flying fish and luminous fish, but you might have not heard about fish that can make a knot out of their bodies, fish that can transform themselves into liquid, fish that hunt for food outside the water, and most strangely, ones that can climb trees! These are very bizarre abilities, which in my opinion, turn these fabulous sea creatures into a force of nature.
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Spread the Happiness with these 21 Acts of Kindness
Spread the Happiness with these 21 Acts of Kindness
We may not always think the world is fair. There are many times when life gets us down, and even though it may feel as though sometimes people are out to get you, there are plenty more who would help if you stumbled. These 21 random acts of kindness show how complete strangers help others in need for no reason at all.
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Can a 9V Battery Burn Down Your Home?
Can a 9V Battery Burn Down Your Home?
9V batteries are quite common
in the U.S. and are often used in smoke detectors, amongst other things.
They’re quite reliable, lasting for a long time and are easy to use.
There’s only one problem – they’re not as safe as you might think. When
they come in contact with other bits of metal or other batteries, they
can short out, causing sparks that may even cause the battery to catch
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The Best Hot Cross Bun Recipe
The Best Hot Cross Bun Recipe
Hot cross buns began as a traditional British food to eat around Easter time and this tasty spicy bun makes the perfect afternoon treat. This mouthwatering recipe looks so good, that I've decided to postpone waiting for April and to make them right now in the summer. This recipe makes a dozen and is best enjoyed with a cup of tea.
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Hilarious Cartoons of the Golden Age
Hilarious Cartoons of the Golden Age
Being old isn't what it used to be. Young people used to show more respect, these days it's just cartoon after cartoon of hilarious 'geezer gags' that keep reminding us of the lighter, funnier side of old age. Like there's anything funny about being old!
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12 Foods That Prevent Wrinkles
12 Foods That Prevent Wrinkles
Let's face it, we all look at ourselves in the mirror every now and then to check for wrinkles. You don't have to rush out and get a Botox injection just yet, since there are plenty of superfoods that can help promote healthy and clear skin.
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The Fantastic Health Benefits of the Pear
The Fantastic Health Benefits of the Pear
The pear is one of the tastiest fruits you can find, but more importantly – it is packed to the brim with health benefits. This fruit was domesticated over 3,000 years ago, though some speculate that the pear and human history were intertwined since the Stone Age. Throughout history, pears were among the most celebrated kinds of fruit. In Homer’s Odyssey, it is said that “the pear is the gift of the gods” while in the court of French King Louis XIV, the pear was considered to be a luxurious delicacy. Nowadays, one can find this marvelous fruit in stores year-round, but it still remains a gift from the heavens.
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How to Protect and Heal Your Liver
How to Protect and Heal Your Liver
Located just below the rib cage to our right, our liver plays a crucial role in the many essential functions of the body, such as producing bile that reduces the amount of fat in the body. It maintains our sugar, fat and iron levels and is also involved in the production of protein.
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